
Monday Mar 18, 2024
Monday Mar 18, 2024
The Speaker as an Artist
Public speaking is a form of art.
More than just letters leaping from your lips, the intricate forms of verbal expression energize and inspire others to do the unexpected. From history, hyperbole, and humor to poetry, words uplift and establish others with security, beauty, and even authority.
Words convey character with depth, style, rhythm, and flow. Often words give us emotional connections to others. The right words at the right time can provide comfort and peace. Words can relax us to be Cool or Suave or propel us to be Powerful or Cantankerous, Zealous or Outrageous.
Join Mark and Dave as they discuss good examples of speakers as artists and reveal practical ways to pull out the "inner artist" in you.

Wednesday Mar 06, 2024
Wednesday Mar 06, 2024
New Horizons in 2024
By God's grace, the ministry of Chosen to Speak is only 4 years old, but the Lord has opened doors for this ministry now to serve in five languages (Russian, Spanish, English, Portuguese, and Maasai/Kenyan).
Join Dave and Mark as they talk about the wins from last year and aspirations
for 2024. In addition, Dave shares the joy of working in South America
and reports on the exciting things unfolding there in 2024.

Friday Dec 01, 2023
Friday Dec 01, 2023
Tackle the Shackle of Uncertainty
Join communicators Dave Arden and Mark Stafford as they tackle the uncertainties that shackle good speakers and leaders and keep them from reaching greatness.
Dave and Mark address the issues that create uncertainty in people who are chosen to speak. These issues manifest themselves in a lack of knowledge, organization, focus, purpose, passion, and confidence. Conversely, when a speaker is certain of who he is, who he’s speaking to, the message he is prepared to give, and the reason he is giving it, he can engage his audience with competence and confidence. In today’s episode, you'll be better equipped to drill down into deep pools of wisdom, knowledge, and experience so that you can be prepared to deliver a well-spoken and timely message.
For more conversations like these, visit our website: https://chosentospeak.com There you will find links to our previous podcast episodes, more information about the organization, blogs from top coaches and reviews from clients, what others are saying about Chosen to Speak, how to connect with Dave or Mark, and an opportunity to ask a question or leave a comment about today’s show.

Wednesday Nov 01, 2023
Wednesday Nov 01, 2023
Tackle the Shackle of Indifference
Join communicators Dave Arden and Mark Stafford as they demonstrate how the ability to listen impacts speakers and leaders, on this week’s episode of Well Spoken Word.
Dave and Mark discuss how Indifference to the audience or market, ignoring input from industry leaders, or invalidating the advice of experienced coaches can lead to personal and professional disaster. Mistrust, relational tension in the home, office, or marketplace, and lower levels of cooperation and productivity are all indicators that a leader is not listening. Conversely, listening leaders establish environments where understanding, empathy, respect, curiosity, and creativity can flourish and grow. In today’s show, you’ll hear practical tips for becoming a better listener and leader.
For more conversations like these, visit our website: https://chosentospeak.com There you will find links to our previous podcast episodes, more information about the organization, blogs from top coaches and reviews from clients, what others are saying about Chosen to Speak, how to connect with Dave or Mark, and an opportunity to ask a question or leave a comment about today’s show. We’d love to hear from you.

Sunday Oct 01, 2023
Sunday Oct 01, 2023
Episode 3, When Insecurity First Greets You at the Gate
Join Dave Arden and Jamey Johnson as they recall their respective journeys from insecurity as speakers to confidence as communicators. Learn the secrets that set them free as you listen to this week’s episode of Well Spoken Word.
Dave Arden and Jamey Johnson consider one of history’s most quoted national leaders, Moses, an orator who was chosen to speak despite his failures and felt inadequacies. Dave and Jamey tell how they, like Moses, learned to overcome their fears and flaws, and gained insight, wisdom, and courage as communicators and leaders. Today they share their secrets with you, the listener. This is an episode you will want to hear again and again.
For more conversations like these, visit our website: https://chosentospeak.com There you will find links to our previous podcast episodes, more information about the organization, blogs from top coaches and reviews from clients, what others are saying about Chosen to Speak, how to connect with Dave, Jamey, or Mark, and an opportunity to ask a question or leave a comment about today’s show.

Friday Sep 01, 2023
Friday Sep 01, 2023
Jesus the "Well" in "Well-Spoken Word"
Host Dave Arden welcomes his guest Jamey Johnson to plumb the depths of his experience as a “Well” spoken pastor and teacher. Let their conversation wash over you today, on this episode of the Well Spoken Word.
Today, Dave Arden and Jamey Johnson talk about drawing on Jesus, the living Water, and the Well who makes His message flow through them, as well as other life-giving mentors and ministry leaders who have splashed their influences on them. They contrast speakers whose bitter delivery made their messages scalding hot and hard to swallow, with speakers whose messages were cool and refreshing, and invited listeners to linger and thirst for more.
After you’ve soaked in this conversation, maybe you’ll want to dip your toes into the waters of the Chosen To Speak experience. Visit our website: https://chosentospeak.com for more information about the organization, to read blogs from top coaches and reviews from clients, to see what others are saying about Chosen to Speak, to connect with Dave, Mark, or Jamey, or to leave comments about today’s show.

Tuesday Aug 01, 2023
Tuesday Aug 01, 2023
Welcome to the Well-Spoken Word, Pilot Episode 1
Join communicators Mark Stafford and Dave Arden as they tackle the shackles that typically hold people back from enjoyable and effective communications.
In today’s conversation, Mark and Dave talk about the importance of experienced coaches who assist speakers in finding and expressing their unique voices, styles, and rhythms, overcoming general and specific anxieties, and organizing and clarifying their messages, in order to connect with their audiences on deeper and more personal levels.
Good coaches will listen to the needs of their clients, give honest feedback, be accepting, encouraging, discreet, and trustworthy, and will point clients toward things that help them grow personally and professionally.
This podcast has been brought to you by Chosen to Speak, an international organization that connects coaches and clients to create opportunities for more effective communications. Visit our website: https://chosentospeak.com for more information about the organization, to read blogs from top coaches and reviews from clients, to see what others are saying about the Chosen to Speak experiences, to connect with Dave or Mark, or to leave comments about today’s show.